We, apply and adhere to these policies in as far as they relate to data received and or stored by us as a result of activities through our website and/or its related services. Please refer to the above policies.
Only official clients of Project-edge.com are permitted to link to, display these policies as part of their services.
This GDPR policy service was created by:
Project-Edge for OUR CLIENTS - under domains/websites managed or created by us or subdomains under: Project-Edge.com OR Appsite.Uk (special url for our customers).
We are against new regulations becoming money making concerns for certain professions, groups, individuals by way of charging us fees etc. on an individual basis to produce, issue the same or similar repetitive / help / assistance for the same / similar or copied / repeated work! (sorry for rant!)
Hence the reason we provide our GDPR policies FREE as part of our service (as we only needed to create, set it up in one place) for our clients to opt into or out of (Choice).